Monday, December 16, 2013

Intense Repetition Exercises and some Brilliant Cold Readings!

Dec. 15th HPAG workshop was full of surprises!  

We all took a moment to tell each other anything exciting in our lives. Or to just vent about whatever. People seemed pretty jazzed about the New Year and all the possibilities that are coming with it. 

We did some cool Physical Warm ups and also some Vocal Warm ups, complete with some tongue twisters.

I had the group do the Mirror Exercise.  That was funny to watch.
Then we walked across the stage as different characters!  Also hilarious! 
We did some REPETITION.  I started out with Michael and Rachel because they already were familiar with the Sandy Meisner way of doing Repetition.  They rocked it!  It's not easy for people to 'get' this exercise.  There are lots of rules when doing Repetition.  
Some of the others were starting to get a bit personal with repetition exercise and it seemed some emotions were starting to run high and get a bit intense, which certainly can happen.  That's why I always say to everyone to NOT take anything personal.  I saw some true uncomfortable moments and honest emotions on stage during that exercise.
Then we played "What are You Doing?" The group rocked this exercise.  


Improv #1:  Jerry and Jasmine on are on blind date and Jasmine is trying to awkward as she talks about her love of spiders, snakes, bugs, and video games.  But it seems to really be working for Jerry as they get into an intense conversation about the classic video game called "The Oregon Trail".  Clearly these two were having NO Conflict, so I had them wrap it up and they went off to a nearby arcade!  LOL!
Improv #2: 
Ramona plays a journalist from Vanity Fair Magazine who is sent over to do an interview with the most annoying, conceited, narcissistic Actress ever!  Ramona clearly doesn't like her.  Rachel wants to know all about who is going to shoot her photos for the magazine demanding that it be one of the top 10 in the field.  But Ramona informs her that her 12 year old neighbor is going to do the shoot on her iphone.  Rachel is dumbfounded and doesn't like the idea at all.  Ramona wraps the interview up quickly as Rachel says, "What? You don't want to hear about my family and my hobbies?"  Rachel says "Naw, that's okay." Those girls did great.  I could have watched that one forever.  Good job. 

Improv #3: 
Michael has been seen on a surveillance video robbing a bank, however, he continues to claim his innocence saying that he was with his girlfriend that afternoon at a movie and out to eat.  Kareema is not sold.  She sees he has the same scorpion tattoo that the bank robber had on his wrist.  Ironically, Kareema also has all the money that he stole from the bank.  This is where things get weird and confusing for Michael.  It was all too funny!  Those two rocked that improv! 
"Reckless" starring Michael and Ramona.  Michael was off book with this character and he was so good.  Michael is a cop who is now on medication and staying in a rehab center due to his melt down because of a woman that he fell for who ended up breaking his heart and destroying him.  Michael had most of the dialogue in this scene, but Ramona really listened and took her time with her questions to him.  The scene was so intense and it grew as the scene went on, until Michael explodes with emotion at the end.  Wonderful work!!

"SCANDAL"starring Jasmine and Ramona.  Jasmine plays a woman who is getting questioned by two reporters regarding her association with a man who has turned up dead. He was a man with a lot of secrets that have been revealed by Jasmine.  The reporters decide that they will not write about the truth of what occurred to this man.  Jasmine was so stoic and emotional during the scene and Ramona played the hard nosed reporter getting the truth.  Michael didn't have any lines, but he reacted to what was going on wonderfully well.  It's so important to listen to the other actors and not just sit there. React to what they say, even if you don't have lines!!!  Great job!
"Grey's Anatomy" starring Michael and Jerry.  This scene was so great.  Michael plays a man who has donated a kidney to his friend who he has learned is in the hospital and decides that he wants it back.  Michael made the 'actor's choice' to play this character kind of mentally challenged and irrational and nervous and it really paid off.  He came off as menacing.  Jerry plays Dr. Hall who tell him that he can't get his kidney back, that it was a gift!  After some back and forth with this, Jerry informs Michael that his friends organs are not viable anyway.  Then Michael gets emotionally upset because his friend is actually brain dead now.  Great job guys! 
"HIT THE FLOOR"starring Jamine & Rachel who do not like each other. Rachel used to be married to Jerry and now Jasmine is the new lady is Jerry's life. These two have a bit of a cat fight that is so fun to watch.  Jasmine played the nice, new girlfriend to Rachel's vicious and unapologetic ex-wife. 
Enter the ex hubby, Jerry, who is giving it good to Rachel. She's complaining about not getting the beach house in the settlement and then Jerry reminds her that he paid for it.  These two have no good blood between them.  I loved this scene. 
Then follows a scene in a bar with Rachel flirting her way into the heart of a lonely man at a bar who ends up finding out some information that he didn't want to know about his ex girlfriend.  That she's now dating Jerry's character.  Ew Snap! Everyone rocked this scene! I loved it! Film it! LOL! :) 
 "The Blacklist" starring Kareema, Jerry and Jasmine.  Jasmine plays an FBI agent who as come to question Kareema about her husband who is an accused mass murderer. Kareema tells the agent that her husband couldn't possibly be a murderer because he's a loving man who loves science. In the next scene, the husband shows up and tells Kareema that he's going to take her and their daughter into hiding so that no one can find them.  The actors did a wonderful job.  That was a perfect casting job on my part! Yay! 

"BETRAYAL" starring Michael, Rachel and Jerry.  Rachel plays high profile attorney who is going to be representing Jack. Michael is Drew and they talk about the case that they are about to both be involved in.  Rachel did this scene last week and wanted to be off book with it. Michael learned it and did an excellent job. I love that these two dressed for the parts.  Good commitment to the characters guys!  You rock!    Jerry plays Karstan who is a brutal business man who butts heads with the ever confident Rachel, high powered attorney. But Karstan needs her help.
"Beauty and the Beast" starring Rachel, Kelly, and Kareema.  Rachel plays a police detective who is fighting to clean up crime in the city. She and Kelly discuss a woman who is now dead and Kelly must go under cover to portray this woman.  But the job is beyond dangerous.  Kareem plays an undercover cop who is upset that a fellow cop got killed doing an undercover job.  Kareema and Rachel have a heated argument.   (This scene was done last week as well.)

"THE FOLLOWING" starring Michael, Rachel and Kareema.  Michael is undergoing a 'test' to enter a 'cult' of some sort. He's a killer who 'gets off in a sexual way' from his crimes. Rachel is flirting with him because she's a bit 'off' herself.  The test is a lie detector test for the most part. He passes.   Michael plays a killer brilliantly! Just saying!
Kareema is now a member of this culty group and isn't sure she likes being there. Rachel was really funny in this second part of the scene.  She brings a lot of light and excitement to all of her roles that she reads.  Wonderful commitment! Star power!  For sure! Go Rachel Go!!
And that concludes yet another fabulous blog about the "Hollywood Players Actor's Group". This coming Sunday, Dec. 22nd is the last workshop of 2013!  You don't want to miss it. Come see what all the fuss is about! Get on the list.  It's only $20 for a super fun workshop! 

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