Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Workshop #12 for the Hollywood Players Actor's Group!

January 27, 2013:  Workshop #12 was Talent Filled and Super fun!
This isn't everyone from last Sunday's Workshop. Two actors had to leave early! One is taking the photo.

Circle of actors and three things about yourself!

Stretch out, head roll, shoulder roll, temper tantrum, jump rope, stretching of the quads, flat back, curve back, temper tantrum.

Lip Trills to racing car sounds.  Me May Ma Mo Moo!! Low to High.
Face Stretch, scrunch face, big Yawn!

Eat each green pea. (3x) 
He Feels Keen as he scemes and dreams.  (3x)
Thought thinkers think things through. (3x)

I am a gifted actor with STAR written all over me.
Acting is an art form and I am an amazing artist! 
I will keep trying until someone says yes!

Back to back, chair lean with partner (trust exercise)
Feet to feet, clasp hands and lean back with each others weight keeping you balanced (trust exercise)
Firing Squad Word Game in a Circle.  Actors throw words at each other and throw a new word to another actor. 

Improv #1: Starring Carl Rolle, Tayna Smith and Angela Devon.  Carl plays the President of the United States. He conducting a press conference with reports to inform America that the radiation from the Japanese Tsunami has made it's way to the beaches of the West Coast and they have made the recently discovered Giant Squids have super powers and the Giant Squid are coming onto land and killing homeless and anyone who is outside! He is warning the public to take cover and that he'll be safely in a bunker in the Colorado Mountains.  The reporters played by Tayna and Angela ask the questions regarding the military coming in to save the day.  Angela asks if the President will consider taking her to the bunker with him so that they might be safe.  The President puts his arms around the reporters and says "Well, maybe we can work this out and there might be something you can do for your country."  It was quiet a funny improv.  Good job.

Improv #2: Starring Dennis Hodapp and Lisa- Marie. Dennis plays an Army Sargent and Lisa-Marie plays a soldier who has come by to request that she be put down on the ground with the male troops to fight in combat. Dennis tells her to do 50 pushups and she can be put into combat. She can't do it. She tries to sweet talk him into it.  He asks her to recite the 11 rules of Combat. But she can't do that either! Lisa-Marie was practically trying to seduce her way into battle. It was really funny!! Dennis did a great job of acting like a drill Sargent! So funny!

Improv #3: Starring James MacLeod, Tayna Smith, Angela Devon,  Rebecca Hirshfeld and Kareema. Tayna Smith plays an agent at CAA and she's really mad because she found out that James MacLeod threw a party at Sundance that was full of girls scantily clad doing fake cocaine on mirrors, there was people in S & M Clothing with whips and chains, there was simulated sex happening in the corners. The clients of CAA have been complaining about the party and how sleazy it was! Two actresses come in during the meeting between James and Tanya and demand to know why that party was able to happen and they are so upset. Kareema plays the receptionist who gets caught in the middle of the mess! James ends up leaving the agency! Rebecca and Angela ask Tayna when they are getting their next big parts.  So typical of actresses. LOL! It was a funny scene. The life of Hollywood Actors!

Improv #4: Starring Carl Rolle, Kareema and Angela Devon.  Carl Rolle plays an old time R & B singer who is looking for his comeback. He wants to record a new CD and comes to music producer Kareema who is trying to do him a favor because her dad and Carl are old friends. She doesn't really want to work with him though. So goes to get Angela to try to get her to write a song with Carl with the promise that Kareema will get Angela a hot date for the Grammy's.  Carl was hilarious as the Soul Singer! Kareema was super funny trying to get out of this bind. Angela was perfectly selfish and not really wanting to work with Carl in any capacity.  Carl gets the message and ends up walking out of the meeting.  Very funny guys!! ;) Super good!


"FLIGHT" Starring Carl Rolle, Dennis Hodapp, James MacLeod and Kareema.  Carl Rolle played the Denzel Washington role in this wonderful scene where he meets with his associate and his new Lawyer from Chicago.  Kareema played the waitress who comes and goes throughout the scene. Dennis played the Lawyer and he was wonderful with his Texas accent explaining what was going to happen with the case. James plays the role of Charlie, Carl (Whip's) oldest friend. The scene was riveting and super intense. Carl had never seen the movie, but had a total grasp on the character. I told them I want them to memorize that scene for the future! It's so good. I want to shoot it. Great work everyone.

"GENERAL HOSPITAL" starring James MacLeod and Lisa-Maria. James and Lisa-Marie play a couple engaged in a heated discussion about Lisa Marie's grandfather. Lisa-Marie is telling him that he hasn't changed, that she thought he'd changed for the better, but she's learned he hasn't.  James pleads with her to give him another chance, that no one has known him better than she has. She won't give in. The actors did great.  Lisa-Marie did her lines a bit too fast. With soap opera acting, you have to take your time and milk the lines. It's cheesy and over the top. It's different from sitcom or episode acting. It's an art form all is own. James did really well with the character and dialogue.
"CATWOMAN" Starring Carl Rolle and Kareema.  Kareem plays Selina (aka: Catwoman). She is on a date with Brock, played by Carl. They have some friendly banter until Brock brings up the duality of all men and women which sends Selina on a long speech about Duality of woman. It gets a bit serious for Brock and he changes the subject. She drops a big hint to Brock about being a superhero, but he is distracted by someone he thinks is Catwoman on the street.  Selina says "No, it's not." Because SHE'S Catwoman!!! LOL!  I loved the scene. I told Kareema to get off book and learn the monologue. It's puuurrrrfect for her! :)  Good work you two!

"CSI: NY" starring Angela Devon and Dennis Hodapp.  Dennis plays a detective who is explaining to Angela how her boyfriend got murdered by another cop. Angela was beside herself with emotion. Dennis played the role very caring and concerned. His voice was comforting as he explained how these things happen sometimes.  Then he pulls out a ring that was found on the boyfriend's body.  He tries to give it to Angela, she won't take as it will only remind her. Then in the next scene, Angela is at a press conference and she gives a wonderful monologue speech about her fiance and she starts to cry! It was a beautiful moment and I was very impressed with her connection to the role and the dialogue. Wonderful work! Get her on TV!!

"Rules of Deception" Starring Kelly Mullis and Lisa-Marie.  Kelly Mullis and Lisa Marie play a couple of spoiled socialites.  Well, Kelly's character is rich.  Lisa-Marie is wondering if they'd still be friends if they hadn't met in college and states they have "nothing in common".  Kelly says "No, we have ME in common!" This character was so fun to play for me. She is so entitled and spoiled rotten.  Lisa-Marie was so cute as my BFF.  So fun to work with her!

"SOUTHLAND" Starring Carl Rolle, Dennis Hodapp, James MacLeod, and Rebecca Hirshfeld.  This scene was so funny!  Carl plays a man in a compromising situation at the hands of Rebecca's character. James and Dennis are the policemen who show up on the scene and take Rebecca into custody for her unlawfulness.  It was wonderful how Carl and Rebecca made solid choices about their characters.  They committed to their characters! James and Dennis were very convincing playing the police officers who were finding this scenario very entertaining indeed!
Great work!

"Grey's Anatomy" Starring Tayna Smith, James MacLeod and Kelly Mullis. James plays a man who is very sick and dying. He has his whole family in the room because he knows he's nearing the end and he's going out with a bang. Only his mother and doctor are not onboard.  But then finally James explains where his head is to the Doctor and she can't fight him on his decision. James did great as the sick patient. Tayna Smith played the Doctor who explains the situation to James. It was a wonderful scene. Very well cast.  Well, except that I was playing James's mother and that would never happen! LOL!

"The Client List" Starring Dennis Hodapp, James MacLeod and Angela Devon. James plays a Pastor who is speaking to his congregation about marriage and how important it is to love your wife. Even though he visits prostitutes! Of course they don't know that! Later the Pastor meets with James and his wife in his chambers. James says that he's left his wife and kids. The Pastor asks him about his drug use, he explains he's been clean and sober for 6 months.  He's turning over a new leaf. Then Angela confesses that she's had an affair. Everyone did great playing their respective roles!  Really committed and had a clear understanding of their motives and objectives.

"Mistresses" Starring Rebecca Hirshfeld and Tayna Smith.Tanya plays a doctor who has given someone a fatal prescription for Morphine and the patient has died. Rebecca comes to question Tayna because she is going to represent her in the case. She wants Tayna to lie about her whereabouts the night of the incident.  Tayna is wonderful as the Doctor who isn't sure what's happening around her. She is confused by this visit and doesn't want to compromise herself by being dishonest.  Rebecca is a great lawyer. Perfect casting for these two!

"Whitney" Starring Tayna Smith, Angela Devon, & Kelly Mullis. Tayna plays a fertility doctor that Whitney and her sister go to visit.  Kelly Mullis plays Whitney, the neurotic and overly concerned sister of Angela who is willing to go to great lengths to conceive. When Tayna explains what will have to take place, Kelly (Whitney) is like "Oh no, no way! Let's get out of here. You can't do this!" It was a quick and funny scene. I like acting like Whitney.  I don't watch the show but the writing it quite good. :) Yay fun!
 "Friends with Benefits" Starring Angela Devon and Lisa-Marie. Angela plays spoiled and superficial Daniela to her friend Lisa-Marie, playing Paige. This scene is so funny because the girls are so about looks.  Angela is making fun of Lisa-Marie's lip injections and how its going to cost a fortune to maintain their looks in the future!  Lisa-Marie starts to get upset and Angela pretends like she going to hug her to make her feel better, but instead she pushes her on the sofa. Lisa-Marie was stunned! Great moment none of us were expecting. Then Angela reminds Lisa-Marie that there "is trouble in South Beach and her name is Amanda" and what are they going to do about it.  Angela reminds Lisa-Marie that this woman is after both of their boyfriends and this means war!! Such a funny scene. The girls were wonderful it it!  So bitchy and bratty. Loved it! 
"Hart of Dixie" Starring Tanya Smith, Dennis Hodapp, and Lisa-Marie.  Lisa-Marie was playing a very funny character that had great dialogue.  She was in a job interview for a position as a chef that she has no experience with except for the food channel network.  Then she starts making demands on her interviewers.  She ends up bribing her way into a job through sheer manipulation. Her insults fly and she is completely inappropriate.  Dennis and Tayna play their roles like a couple of people being railroaded by this new girl that they have to hire! It was a funny scene.  Lisa-Marie didn't make the most of the funny lines and she should have played up this larger than life character by standing up and marching around the room while making her demands! I liked it though.
That concludes yet another episode of The Hollywood Players Actor's Group!!

I know that next week is THE ALMIGHTY SUPER BOWL Game....but if you want to forgo the game and come have a great inspirational workshop full of acting and creativity....then send me a message on facebook or email me at: or call me at 323.428.3739.

Next Workshop is on February 3rd!! Super Bowl Sunday! 3-6 PM!!

See you on the Stage!!
Best wishes,
Kelly Mullis, Artistic Director
Hollywood Players Actor's Group
There is a great vibe in this workshop!
Come and play with us!! You'll love it!

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