Dec. 16, 2012
The Hollywood Players Actor's Group's 8th Workshop.
Physical Warm up
Everyone got on stage for a quick physical warm up. After we stretched, we did the body part shake to 8 and down. Right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg. From 8-1.
Getting faster and faster as the number got smaller. Always a great warm up.
Vocal Warm ups
Me May Ma Mo Moo, starting lower and going as high as we could.
Tongue Twisters
Everyone repeated these three times each. Tricky!
"Eleven Benelivant Elephants"
"Unique New York"
"Red Leather, Yellow Leather"
"Tea Time is at a quarter to two till two."
"I am relaxed, trusting in a higher plan that is unfolding for me."
"I release and destroy my attachment to results. I am here to enjoy the journey."
"I am a talented and unique actor and there is no one else like me."
We did the following Exercises:
"What are you doing?" Improv Exercise.
Meisner's Repetition Exercise.
"Yes And" Exercise where we start with a phrase and each person adds a
"yes and" and they continue the story. That was fun!
Improv #1: Robert Mangiardi & Kachiri Irizarry played husband and wife planning a Christmas party. Robert wants to invite his Uncle Joe, but Kachiri thinks he's obnoxious and drinks too much. Robert says he makes great Lasagna and after some back and forth he mentions that Uncle Joe has cancer and they HAVE to invite him, because its the right thing to do. Great improv with a twist!
Improv #2: Carl Rolle and Andy Wasif play a couple of janitors cleaning up an office when Andy finds an envelope in the trashcan with a bunch of $50 bills in there. Carl's character wants to keep it, Andy wants to turn it in. They have a major conflict during this scene. Carl was hilarious as he attempts to reason with Andy's character. Andy was definitely a man torn by the right thing to do, thinking it was put there as a test and how could they get away with it. In the end, Carl strangles Andy and takes the money! Tragic, yet funny and unexpected!
Improv #3: Kelly Mullis and Kachiri play a couple of friends who have rented a beach house in the Hamptons, but it starts raining as soon as they get there. Kelly's character is negative and complains about the rain and is bummed that they'll be hold up inside all weekend and Kelly has a new bathing suit for the weekend. Kachiri tries to cheer Kelly up by suggesting that they'll cook and watch movies. Finally Kachiri suggest to Kelly that they get dressed up and hit the nearby bar to meet some guys. All is good at the end.
Improv #4: Andy Wasif and Kachiri play a photographer and Model. The model doesn't like the photographer and refuses to smile. Andy is trying to get her to smile. Kachiri was having a great deal of trouble staying serious. She kept laughing. It became clear that the improv was a bust. That's okay. :)
Improv #5: Andy and Kachiri try another improv where Kachiri is a doctor and must convince Andy to get an operation. He is in dire pain, but won't sign the papers. He's will die if he doesn't. I come in at the last moment as Andy's wife and sign the papers and he lives!
"BUCK'S RACE HORSE" starring Carl Rolle and Kachiri Irizarry. Carl plays a stable hand who poses as a Veteranarian when Kachiri's character comes to consider buying a horse. Carl is very flirty and inappropriate, saying all the wrong things. Kachiri misses the signs at first, but then it becomes apparent that Carl is being a pervert. It was a really funny scene. Carl gets in trouble with the boss. Kachiri gets out of there! Good job guys.
"PULP FICTION" starring Andy Wasif and Robert Mangiardi. Andy plays the drug dealer that Eric Stolz played in Pulp Fiction. Robert plays the John Travolta character who comes over to score the herion. Andy describes the different potency of each strain. Robert orders up what he wants and then shoots up there on the spot as they talk about his old vintage sports car getting keyed by someone. Robert played the role considerably different than John Travolta, but I dug it none the less. Andy was not sleazy at all, he could have been selling cars. It was quiet a dichotomy. Loved it!
"HOUSE" starring Kelly Mullis and Carl Rolle. Kelly plays a doctor in the hospital who has a brother who needs a kidney transplant. She asks House to test her to see if she's a match. They have some banter in the beginning of the scene. They meet back in House's office and House gives her the results of the test, that she is a match, however, that she is also pregnant and cannot be a donor. Kelly becomes emotional, she is both shocked and happy, and says she must go to see her husband immediately. Carl Rolle played House perfectly sarcastic and dry. I loved the scene.
"TOO CLOSE" starring Carl Rolle and Andy Wasif. Carl plays a police chief and Andy plays a detective. They are discussing a case and Andy's character says he doesn't think the guy is guilty. Carl sets him straight and then tell him to make them a drink and then makes him move some furniture around the office. The scene was over too quickly. They did great!
"THE WRESTLER" starring Kelly Mullis and Robert Mangiardi. Kelly played the Marisa Tomei character of the stripper who goes out to talk to Robert's character played by Mickey Rourke originally. Kelly is concerned about Robert since he's just experienced a heart attack and must quit being a wrestler. Kelly suggests that he go be with family and get a hold of his daughter. That every daughter needs their father. It was a bittersweet scene. Kelly tells Robert that 'they' cannot have a relationship. I loved working with Robert. He played the character perfectly depressed and down. He drew sadness from me. Great work Robert!
"THE BOSS'S ELVES" starring Kachari Irizarry, Andy Wasif, and Robert Mangiardi. This is a really funny scene where Robert is Andy's boss and Andy is trying hard to make a good impression and look as good as he can. Robert asks where Andy's wife is. Kachiri is over at the bar drinking up a storm. Andy calls her over to meet the boss man and she proceeds to make an embarrassment of herself. She's so drunk and she starts asking why the woman who are working at the party are dressed so sexy, that the men should be dressed just as hot. Kachiri is outrageously funny in this scene! I was laughing so hard! Great work everyone. Andy played the nervous office working to perfection and Robert was the surly boss that everyone has had experience with if you've ever worked in an office. Wonderful!!
After the scenes were complete, we had a bit more time. Robert Mangiardi said he had an audition for a singing competition the next day and wanted to try his song. He said that originally he was going to sing "A Change is Gonna Come", but he wanted to change it to "Star Spangled Banner". I told him that "A Change is Gonna Come" would be more impressive to sing especially with current events.
Robert Mangiardi sang for us "A Change is Gonna Come" acapella and it was wonderful. I nearly started crying. Then he sang for us "Star Spangled Banner".
Andy Wasif got up and sang "Who Can I Turn To?" from the musical "Roar of the Grease Paint, Smell of the Crowd." Channeling Sammy Davis Jr. He was wonderful.
Kelly Mullis sang "Funny Valentine".
Karchiri Irizarry sang "Silent Night".
Carl Rolle sang as well, but I must get back to you on which song he sang. It was great though.
I plan to incorporate more singing in the workshops!
The HPAG Workshops return to the Shepard Theater at the COMPLEX on Santa Monica Blvd. on Sunday, January 6th at 3-6 PM. $20 per Workshop!
We've got big plans for 2013!
We'll be doing staged readings of large parts of Scripts written by Writer/Directors that are currently in production on other projects. They will also be speaking to the members of the workshop about their inspirations, techniques and experiences.
We'll have more guest speakers who are writers, directors, successful actors, managers, etc.
We will be doing a Writer's Lab and come up with Short Film Scripts and Web Series Scripts.
We will also be producing a SHOWCASE of Scenes in February to perform for Invited Casting Directors, Agents, Friends, and Family, so if you'd like to sign up for that, please let me know!
***Also, if you're a writer and have a short film you want to hear read in the workshop. We'll actually put it on it's feet and act it out for full impact! Or if you have a stand up Routine you want to try out, or a song, or part of a one person show....come work out at the HOLLYWOOD PLAYERS ACTOR'S GROUP! That's what we're here for!!
See you the Stage!
Kelly Mullis, Artistic Director of HPAG
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