Dec. 16, 2012
The Hollywood Players Actor's Group's 8th Workshop.
Physical Warm up
Everyone got on stage for a quick physical warm up. After we stretched, we did the body part shake to 8 and down. Right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg. From 8-1.
Getting faster and faster as the number got smaller. Always a great warm up.
Vocal Warm ups
Me May Ma Mo Moo, starting lower and going as high as we could.
Tongue Twisters
Everyone repeated these three times each. Tricky!
"Eleven Benelivant Elephants"
"Unique New York"
"Red Leather, Yellow Leather"
"Tea Time is at a quarter to two till two."
"I am relaxed, trusting in a higher plan that is unfolding for me."
"I release and destroy my attachment to results. I am here to enjoy the journey."
"I am a talented and unique actor and there is no one else like me."
We did the following Exercises:
"What are you doing?" Improv Exercise.
Meisner's Repetition Exercise.
"Yes And" Exercise where we start with a phrase and each person adds a
"yes and" and they continue the story. That was fun!
Improv #1: Robert Mangiardi & Kachiri Irizarry played husband and wife planning a Christmas party. Robert wants to invite his Uncle Joe, but Kachiri thinks he's obnoxious and drinks too much. Robert says he makes great Lasagna and after some back and forth he mentions that Uncle Joe has cancer and they HAVE to invite him, because its the right thing to do. Great improv with a twist!
Improv #2: Carl Rolle and Andy Wasif play a couple of janitors cleaning up an office when Andy finds an envelope in the trashcan with a bunch of $50 bills in there. Carl's character wants to keep it, Andy wants to turn it in. They have a major conflict during this scene. Carl was hilarious as he attempts to reason with Andy's character. Andy was definitely a man torn by the right thing to do, thinking it was put there as a test and how could they get away with it. In the end, Carl strangles Andy and takes the money! Tragic, yet funny and unexpected!
Improv #3: Kelly Mullis and Kachiri play a couple of friends who have rented a beach house in the Hamptons, but it starts raining as soon as they get there. Kelly's character is negative and complains about the rain and is bummed that they'll be hold up inside all weekend and Kelly has a new bathing suit for the weekend. Kachiri tries to cheer Kelly up by suggesting that they'll cook and watch movies. Finally Kachiri suggest to Kelly that they get dressed up and hit the nearby bar to meet some guys. All is good at the end.
Improv #4: Andy Wasif and Kachiri play a photographer and Model. The model doesn't like the photographer and refuses to smile. Andy is trying to get her to smile. Kachiri was having a great deal of trouble staying serious. She kept laughing. It became clear that the improv was a bust. That's okay. :)
Improv #5: Andy and Kachiri try another improv where Kachiri is a doctor and must convince Andy to get an operation. He is in dire pain, but won't sign the papers. He's will die if he doesn't. I come in at the last moment as Andy's wife and sign the papers and he lives!
"BUCK'S RACE HORSE" starring Carl Rolle and Kachiri Irizarry. Carl plays a stable hand who poses as a Veteranarian when Kachiri's character comes to consider buying a horse. Carl is very flirty and inappropriate, saying all the wrong things. Kachiri misses the signs at first, but then it becomes apparent that Carl is being a pervert. It was a really funny scene. Carl gets in trouble with the boss. Kachiri gets out of there! Good job guys.
"PULP FICTION" starring Andy Wasif and Robert Mangiardi. Andy plays the drug dealer that Eric Stolz played in Pulp Fiction. Robert plays the John Travolta character who comes over to score the herion. Andy describes the different potency of each strain. Robert orders up what he wants and then shoots up there on the spot as they talk about his old vintage sports car getting keyed by someone. Robert played the role considerably different than John Travolta, but I dug it none the less. Andy was not sleazy at all, he could have been selling cars. It was quiet a dichotomy. Loved it!
"HOUSE" starring Kelly Mullis and Carl Rolle. Kelly plays a doctor in the hospital who has a brother who needs a kidney transplant. She asks House to test her to see if she's a match. They have some banter in the beginning of the scene. They meet back in House's office and House gives her the results of the test, that she is a match, however, that she is also pregnant and cannot be a donor. Kelly becomes emotional, she is both shocked and happy, and says she must go to see her husband immediately. Carl Rolle played House perfectly sarcastic and dry. I loved the scene.
"TOO CLOSE" starring Carl Rolle and Andy Wasif. Carl plays a police chief and Andy plays a detective. They are discussing a case and Andy's character says he doesn't think the guy is guilty. Carl sets him straight and then tell him to make them a drink and then makes him move some furniture around the office. The scene was over too quickly. They did great!
"THE WRESTLER" starring Kelly Mullis and Robert Mangiardi. Kelly played the Marisa Tomei character of the stripper who goes out to talk to Robert's character played by Mickey Rourke originally. Kelly is concerned about Robert since he's just experienced a heart attack and must quit being a wrestler. Kelly suggests that he go be with family and get a hold of his daughter. That every daughter needs their father. It was a bittersweet scene. Kelly tells Robert that 'they' cannot have a relationship. I loved working with Robert. He played the character perfectly depressed and down. He drew sadness from me. Great work Robert!
"THE BOSS'S ELVES" starring Kachari Irizarry, Andy Wasif, and Robert Mangiardi. This is a really funny scene where Robert is Andy's boss and Andy is trying hard to make a good impression and look as good as he can. Robert asks where Andy's wife is. Kachiri is over at the bar drinking up a storm. Andy calls her over to meet the boss man and she proceeds to make an embarrassment of herself. She's so drunk and she starts asking why the woman who are working at the party are dressed so sexy, that the men should be dressed just as hot. Kachiri is outrageously funny in this scene! I was laughing so hard! Great work everyone. Andy played the nervous office working to perfection and Robert was the surly boss that everyone has had experience with if you've ever worked in an office. Wonderful!!
After the scenes were complete, we had a bit more time. Robert Mangiardi said he had an audition for a singing competition the next day and wanted to try his song. He said that originally he was going to sing "A Change is Gonna Come", but he wanted to change it to "Star Spangled Banner". I told him that "A Change is Gonna Come" would be more impressive to sing especially with current events.
Robert Mangiardi sang for us "A Change is Gonna Come" acapella and it was wonderful. I nearly started crying. Then he sang for us "Star Spangled Banner".
Andy Wasif got up and sang "Who Can I Turn To?" from the musical "Roar of the Grease Paint, Smell of the Crowd." Channeling Sammy Davis Jr. He was wonderful.
Kelly Mullis sang "Funny Valentine".
Karchiri Irizarry sang "Silent Night".
Carl Rolle sang as well, but I must get back to you on which song he sang. It was great though.
I plan to incorporate more singing in the workshops!
The HPAG Workshops return to the Shepard Theater at the COMPLEX on Santa Monica Blvd. on Sunday, January 6th at 3-6 PM. $20 per Workshop!
We've got big plans for 2013!
We'll be doing staged readings of large parts of Scripts written by Writer/Directors that are currently in production on other projects. They will also be speaking to the members of the workshop about their inspirations, techniques and experiences.
We'll have more guest speakers who are writers, directors, successful actors, managers, etc.
We will be doing a Writer's Lab and come up with Short Film Scripts and Web Series Scripts.
We will also be producing a SHOWCASE of Scenes in February to perform for Invited Casting Directors, Agents, Friends, and Family, so if you'd like to sign up for that, please let me know!
***Also, if you're a writer and have a short film you want to hear read in the workshop. We'll actually put it on it's feet and act it out for full impact! Or if you have a stand up Routine you want to try out, or a song, or part of a one person show....come work out at the HOLLYWOOD PLAYERS ACTOR'S GROUP! That's what we're here for!!
See you the Stage!
Kelly Mullis, Artistic Director of HPAG
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Super Spectacular 7th HPAG Workshop on Dec. 9, 12
Skipped the Kelly Mullis intro since all the people at the Workshop had heard it already!
Got everyone on stage in a circle and had each person say their name and three things about themselves or how they were feeling, etc. A lot of people said they were happy and excited to be there at the workshop. Aww, thanks guys for the warm fuzzies. :)
After the intros, we did a big stretch to get limber. Then we did a big face stretch.
We took deep breaths, held it for 5 seconds and then let it out. We did some Blah, Blah, Blahs, some Lalalala's, and some da, da, da's.
We followed that with some A.E.I.O.U.s going up the scale. Then I asked everyone if they knew the words to DOE-A-DEAR from "The Sound of Music" and they we all sang "Doe a Dear" and it was awesome!
These were from my head, I had everyone repeat after me:
"I embrace who I am."
"I can play any part."
"There are no small roles."
"I will shine in my life."
I had everyone collect all their energy into a tight little ball and then when we were ready, we all threw our energy ball into the center of the circle. You could feel the energy blast back at us! Super cool.
Circle Story Exercise: Someone starts with a word and then throws it to someone else who adds another word and we begin to weave a story together. It was a short story about a bird and some dragons. Fun exercise.
Attitude Exercise: I had everyone walk around with three different attitudes. The first was "COCKY". I said they could talk, so people were saying stuff like "What's up?" "What's your problem?" "What are you looking at?" That was fun!
Second attitude was: SCARED. We all walked around the stage being scared. Looking at each other with fear in our eyes. Then Andy Wasif pointed to the ceiling and gasped, then we all gasped!!
Third Attitude: HAPPINESS!!! This was great because we were just so giddy and happy and hugging each other and laughing and smiling. The room was full of love and joy! I loved that attitude the best! Good way to break the ice for sure!! Yay, happy shiny people.
The night before the workshop, I brainstormed and came up with different improvisations for the group.
The first one was based on a story that a recent headshot client, who was also at the workshop, told me about that had happened to her.
"HOLD UP" starring Bivas Biswas, LarJayne Blackwell, Andy Wasif, Ardes Armstrong, & Rebecca Hirshfeld. Bivas played a young man who comes into a Hallmark store and starts flirting with Ardes. There is another couple in the story, Andy and Rebecca. LarJayne plays the store clerk. After some time, Bivas pulls out a gun and holds up the store. He tells everyone to go in the back. They don't listen to him. He tells them to get on the floor. LarJayne plays it cool and goes and gets the money from the safe in the back and gives him $735. Rebecca is dialing 911 on her cell. Bivas is getting nervous thinking that the cops will show up. He finally leaves with the money and everyone is safe again. LarJayne warns Ardes not to be so friendly to strangers because you just never know! Haha!
"THE GREAT ESCAPE" starring Carl Rolle, Jim McCaffree and Andy Wasif. The three men are serving very long sentences in prison and they are making a plan to escape. Carl is the leader, Jim is the brain of the group, and Andy is a sleazy Ladies Man. They discuss how they will escape. Jim says he's going to put a virus in the computer system with a memory chip he's designed that will open all the gates in the prison. Andy says he has a 'lady friend' who can get up to the main guard tower and seduce/distract the guard up there and help them escape. Every few minutes Andy mentions another girl he knows and Carl is just amazed with how many girls Andy has in his pocket. Jim confesses that he has 23 Million dollars in a Cayman Island account that he stole before he got locked up and now the plot has thickened, they each want a piece of the pie. The improv was great. Good job guys!
"THE HOLLYWOOD PARTY" starring LarJayne Blackwell, Kelly Mullis and the entire group.
LayJayne comes to my office. I'm a fixer of people. If someone wants to be a certain way, they come to me and I give them a 'magic pill' and their dream comes true. LarJayne comes to me with a wish to be more beautiful, fun, & popular. I tell her about the 'fee' and she agrees. I give her a magic pill and tell her that I'm throwing her a special "Hollywood Party" that night and to take the pill 15 minutes before she shows up. LarJayne shows up. Her name for the evening is ANISTASIA. Everyone loves her. Producers and directors want her in their next movie. The ladies want to be friends with Anistasia. I as the hostess introduce her to ToPac LaRoc, a famous female rapper (Kareema) who wants to have Anastasia in her new buddy movie. Everyone admires her hair, her clothes, her face. They are enamored. I'm sure it was a bit overwhelming for Anistasia, but after that party, she will forever be changed!
"SUPER HERO MEETING" starring Kelly Mullis, Lisa-Marie, Ardes Armstrong, and Kareema. We are four female super heros that are called upon to save the planet Earth. We all have super powers. Kelly spins and when she spins in circles, everyone around her gets happy. Lisa-Marie can read people's minds. Ardes can see the future when she puts her glasses on. Kareema can shoot lightening bolts out of her hands. We all agree that we must go to the White House Oval Office and meet with President Obama. Kareema is afraid that she will get stressed out and catch the Oval office on fire. Lisa-Marie is annoyed by Kareema negative thoughts, which she can read. Kelly has to spin around because the situation is getting tense. Ardes is seeing the future with her glasses on. I convince the group that we will need money and I say I shall call in Mitt Romney to help us save the planet. Lisa Marie thinks this is a bad idea. The girls are having a hard time figuring out a plan, they all decide to hit a happy hour at a bar to discuss it further. The end.
"GOODBYE TO ALL THAT" starring Jim McCaffree, LarJayne Blackwell, and Rebecca Hirshfeld. LarJayne plays a therapist who is conducting a counseling session with a married couple. Jim plays the confused husband who isn't sure why things have gone South in their relationship. Rebecca tells him she wants a divorce and has a lawyer. LarJayne really seems to be siding with Rebecca because they are actually 'together'. The scene is funny as LarJayne in no uncertain terms tells Jim that the marriage is over. He is getting more and more agitated by LarJayne and keeps telling her to shut up as he tries to get to the bottom of this with his distraught wife who clearly doesn't love him anymore. Everyone did a great job! Jim played his character perfectly. He was so frustrated. His commitment was wonderful. Rebecca was clearly upset and I think she even cried. LarJayne was the perfect bitchy professional...even though she was breaking every rule that therapists are supposed to follow. Great job guys!
"DANGEROUS LOVE" starring Carl Rolle and Andy Wasif. Carl plays a frustrated police officer who is finding that he's missing files on this important case. He asks Andy why he's still at the station working "don't you have a life?" Andy says he has no life. Carl Rolle plays a craggy police man just perfectly and needs to do so on TV ASAP!! Andy was perfect as his associate. The two guys had great chemistry together and I believed that they had history working side by side. Great work.
"JET SET" starring Bivas Biswas, LarJayne Blackwell, and Ardes Armstrong. LarJayne plays the hostess of a cooking show that Bivas is the special guest CHEF on. I'm not so sure how much cooking experience Bivas's character has, but he sure is trying to turn on the charm and seduce Ardes's character. It's a pretty funny scene as they all clumsily stumble around each other in an enduring manner. I liked the chemistry between Bivas and Ardes's characters.
"DNA" starring Kareema and Rebecca Hirshfeld. Kareema plays a victim of rape who comes in to talk about what happened to her. Rebecca is DA on the case and tries to convince Kareema's character to testify and then we find out that the rapist is actually her real father. Kareema played the character very tortured and introverted. She even got emotional. Rebecca did a great job of not anticipating the news that Kareema was about to share with her and reacted accordingly. Rebecca showed compassion and understanding. They both did a great job! :)
"ANGER MANAGEMENT" starring Ardes Armstrong and Andy Wasif. Andy Wasif plays the Charlie Sheen character in this funny sitcom scene. Ardes plays an ex-stripper who now has a tattoo removal service called "Tramps without Stamps". She and Charlie flirt about the past and decide to get together for old time sake! Ardes was really funny and can really pull off a fun character like that! She'd be great to book under fives on any of these funny sitcom shows. She's got great comic timing! Andy is a standup comedian so he's got the comic timing down as well. They really hit the beats of this cleverly written sitcom. I was really proud of them both. Really funny stuff guys! Yay!
"UNDERCOVER "IF"" starring Lisa-Marie and Jim McCaffree. This was a funny scene. Jim plays the handler of another FBI agent who is on a case. Lisa calls him in to assist because the man she was there 'watch' or 'capture' has died of a heart attack. Lisa's character is scantly clad in the scene and when Jim comes in, he is confused and worried. "Why are you dressed like that? Did you sleep with him?" We soon find out that Jim is not just her handler, but her father as well. Jim played the concerned father great. They had wonderful timing and banter back and forth. Lisa-Marie was so adorable and cute as the innocent FBI agent who happened to cause this man (Carl Rolle) to die on the sofa. I just loved these two characters and could have watched a whole movie with them both! Great work!!!
"AFTER HOURS" starring Bivas Biswas, Andy Wasif and Lisa Marie. One of my favorites of the workshop! Bivas plays a doctor who is also training to be a fighter. He's handsome and everyone wants him...only problem is, he's gay and won't come out. People are starting to talk and Andy tells him this and that he really should consider 'coming out'. He says the nurse named Kristin is hot for him. Bivas's character says that it would ruin everything if he came out, that he can't do it! Andy has to run off to surgery. Moments later, Lisa-Marie's character, Kristin, comes to see Bivas. She is quite flirty and suggesting that they get together that night or very soon. She totally wants to hook up with him. He's so nervous that he keeps backing up as she gets closer and closer to him. She is pouty and begging for him to spend some time with her. He insists that he has to train for his fight and he has to work and has no time at all to see her. Kristin is crushed. She touches his face and he is clearly uncomfortable. It was a great scene!! Lisa-Marie was adorable as the 'take no for an answer' nurse. I loved it! Bivas was wonderful. Andy played his role perfect as the understanding friend.
"MOROCCAN DINNER" starring Carl Rolle and LarJayne Blackwell. Carl and LarJayne's characters have been married forever. Carl never takes LarJayne out and she is bored. As she asks for clue to her crossword puzzle, she is clearly interrupting Carl's newspaper reading time. Then LarJayne's character suggest that they go to a Moroccan Restaurant where they can watch a belly dancer and eat with their hands. Carl is so not interested and doesn't want to spend the money or leave the house for that matter. "Why can't you just cook dinner like you usually do?" LarJayne asks about a clue where the answer is "DIVORCE" and suddenly Carl realizes the importance of the matter at hand. Carl played the surly hubby to a tee and LarJayne was perfect manipulative wife. Funny chemistry between these two. Good job!
"CANDY APPLE" starring Bivas Biswas and Kareema. Loved this scene!! Kareema plays a young woman who goes on an interview for a job as a stripper. She calls herself "Candy Apple". After the initial interview where Kareema says that she's got experience dancing in an 'exotic manner'. Bivas asks her to show her stuff! It becomes clear that she has no experience as a stripper at all. Kareema is so funny doing her little stripper moves. She is clearly uncomfortable. Bivas thinks he recognizes her. She plays it off. It turns out that he realizes that she is the Pastor's daughter. She gets nervous and asks him not to tell her father about this job interview, that she's in debt and needs a job. Bivas tells her that what he really needs is a cocktail waitress and would she be willing to do that. She agrees and is happy to have the job. I think both actors rocked this scene. It was so funny and sweet!
And that concludes another fantastic HPAG Workshop! I'm so proud of all the actors who come to my workshop! They should all be working on TV and in Films!! I encourage everyone to go for their dreams and be proactive in their own careers!
So Get those Headshots!
Get that Agent.
Submit yourself! Write your own webseries or short film! Shoot it! Edit it. Put it on YOUTUBE.
Make stuff happen!!
We'll be back on January 6th!!
If you want to attend next Sunday's Workshop on Dec. 16, 2012.
Send me a message on facebook or email me or call me at 323.428.3739.
See you on the stage!!!
Thanks for reading!
Kelly Mullis, Artistic Director of HPAG
We have a lot of FUN, but we are SERIOUS ACTORS!!! Don't KID YOURSELF!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Workshop #6: Extrodinary Work by All!
As always, we begin with the Kelly Mullis intro and the Mission Statement for the group.
I had a lot of fun things planned for this workshop so we did the workshop participate introductions a bit different this time. We all stood in a circle facing each other and we went around the circle and everyone said their name and three things about themselves. It was perfect.
We all took a few minutes to stretch out. Once limber, we did 3 deep breathes releasing with sound. Afterwards I had everyone lean back opening up their throats and had everyone release a very deep sound. It didn't sound pretty, but it opened up everyone's vocal cords. We actors can be trapped by our voices sometimes!
We did the count from 1-10, starting low and quiet and then getting louder and louder with each number to 10.
Then we did a little exercise I like to call: ANIMAL CROSSING!
We all lined up in a row and I had everyone cross the stage as different animals. First was a bird,
then a gorilla, then a cat. This was very interesting. Sometimes characters can be defined by what animal they are. Kathleen Turner is like a cat in "BODY HEAT". Marlon Brando was an ape in "STREET CAR NAMED DESIRE" and Jeff Bridges was a bird in "STARMAN". It's a helpful tool for an actor to use!
We repeated the following:
"I am going to take it from where I am".
"I am going to approach this scene as an improv."
"I release my need to be funny. I am here to tickle myself."
"I will not make choices, however, I will allow choices to happen."
I divided the group into two.
First group was a group of soldiers that had just gotten back from Afghanistan.
I had Sargent Carl Rolle yell at the troops and get them to stand at attention and some of them talked back to him. Oh no! Don't make Sargent Rolle mad! He whipped them into shape.
It was time for group therapy. The 'soldiers' sat in fold out chairs in a semi circle and each other of them shared how their lives are now that they've returned home from War in Afghanistan. Quite a moving improv. The first actor Jerome Murdock had a few tears flowing from his eyes. Beautiful commitment. Every actor brought their own voice to the improv acting like a soldier. It was really amazing. The actors in this improv were Jerome Murdock, Toni Christopher, David Kallaway, Kereema, Jeff McGrail, and Andy Wasif.
The next group included me, Kelly Mullis, Carl Rolle, Kachiri Irizarry, Rebecca Hirschfeld, and Jim McCaffree and Toni Christopher was our counselor. Again, moving stories of struggle with drugs and alcohol. Carl Rolle was the trouble maker of the group only there to have a paper signed but not wanting any help. Kachari was our resident tough girl. Rebecca Hirshfeld, a fragile delicate broken woman and I was just angry and frustrated by being abandoned by family and feeling like a just can't stop drinking.
The actors all committed beautifully to this improv. It was heavy for sure, but I think it was valuable.
Everyone got their scripts for the STAGED READING that was to take place called "FIGHT NIGHT". The parts were cast. We had a last minute drop out by an actor (food poisoning) who was cast to play the boxer, so I got Jerome Murdock to fill in. While they were going over their scenes for the short film, as well and going over their TV sides for after the reading....
I set up the various sets on stage for the reading. This wasn't going to be a sit down reading. I had a restaurant set, an office set, a boxing ring set, and a dressing room set.
Upon Action, The actors jumped into their characters with as much commitment as if they were on a film set. I was immediately thrilled with the decision to do this STAGED READING on its feet this way. No narrative took place, the actors flowed seamlessly from one set to the next, in one scene to the next! It was so exciting to watch! Everyone was amazing! I was attempting to video tape every moment, but could only capture a few minutes because my memory card was full! But I got some which is shown below! (stay tuned) You get the idea. I am seriously considering shooting this short. I think we could do it for relatively low budget. The story and the actors make the story great!!
Super successful and super entertaining! I was very impressed with everyone's performance.
The cast included:
Jim McCaffree as Tony, the mafia guy
Andy Wasif as Ted, the sleazy deal making guy
Jerome Murdock as Billy the Boxer
Carl Rolle as Mose, the boxing trainer
Toni Christopher as Darla, the boxer's girlfriend
Rebecca Hirshfeld as Andy's Bimbo girlfriend
Kachiri Izizarry as the Psychic 'fixer'
David Kallaway as Goon #1 and 'the Russian Boxer"
Jeff McGrail as Goon #2 and the Medic
Great job everyone!!
"Blue Bloods" starring Andy Wasif and David Kallaway.
David Kallaway donned a near perfect Boston accent on this cold read of "Blue Bloods" playing the Donnie Wahlberg character of Danny. Andy was super relaxed and natural as Sorenson. This could have been a scene from TV. It was pretty darned good.
"A Closed Door" starring Jim McCaffree and Kachiri Izizarry.
Jim McCaffree can do characters better than most in this workshop. He never ceases to amazing me with his talents. He plays a stoic and emotionless 'stepfather' with a chip on his shoulder. His stepdaughter played by Kachiri was vulnerable and frustrated in trying to connect with her stepfather who has closed the door on their ever having a relationship. It was a hard breaking scene. Great work you two!!
"Chicago Code" starring Carl Rolle and Jeff McGrail.
Jeff McGrail plays a lawyer is who telling a Neurosurgeon, Carl Rolle, what the score is when one of the patients is a gang member. Good thing there were no guns in this scene or someone who'd have bit it! This was a short, however, super intense scene. I love the dynamic of these to actors together.
"Human Target" starring Jerome Murdock and Toni Christopher.
I didn't set this scene up for these two at all. I left out a whole earlier scene from those sides. So they were coming in super cold....but no worries for these two pros. They jumped right into the scene. There was a sexy vibe and a bit of sarcasm from Toni Christopher's character. I wanted to see more. Jerome Murdock should have his own TV show. He's so natural and cool. He's MR. TV! If only I were a casting director, I'd hired both of them for my show! Fabulous!
"Rookie Moves" starring Jeff McGrail and Kareema.
Kareema plays a rookie cop who has had enough of the antics of her superior, Jeff McGrail, who seems to be punishing her instead of training her. At first Kareema had glimpses of life in her character who Jeff's character abused her with words and mixed messages. In the scene Kareema is supposed to get rattled. But she didn't get rattled the first time. So I asked them to do the scene again and for Kareema to get mad at Jeff for giving her such a hard time. She has to defend herself from him and then just say 'forget you'. She adjusted great and the second time she did it, I believed her conviction and that he was getting under her skin. The scene rocked! Great job Kareema and Jeff!
"The Apostles" starring Rebecca Hirshfeld and Jerome Murdock.
Jerome plays a very tough man, rough around the edges named Preacher. Rebecca plays his ex-stripper girlfriend. She's very flirty with him in the beginning. He clearly has trust issues. She accuses him of not being able to forgive and Rebecca's character gets very emotional at the end of the scene when she cries that she's grateful that God brought her Preacher, to love and protect her. It was a very sweet scene. Again Jerome Murdock played it brilliantly.
Of course I love to take the fun group shots. Silly and Serious! We are ACTORS afterall!
Let me know if you'd like to check out one of the HOLLYWOOD PLAYERS ACTOR'S GROUP WORKSHOPS this coming:
Sunday, Dec. 9th
Sunday, Dec. 16
Call Kelly at 323.428.3739. Try to call by Thursday Night so I can find you scenes! Thanks!
See you on the STAGE!!
Kelly Mullis, Artistic Director of HPAG
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and your families!
And will be returning on January 6, 2013!
I had a lot of fun things planned for this workshop so we did the workshop participate introductions a bit different this time. We all stood in a circle facing each other and we went around the circle and everyone said their name and three things about themselves. It was perfect.
We all took a few minutes to stretch out. Once limber, we did 3 deep breathes releasing with sound. Afterwards I had everyone lean back opening up their throats and had everyone release a very deep sound. It didn't sound pretty, but it opened up everyone's vocal cords. We actors can be trapped by our voices sometimes!
We did the count from 1-10, starting low and quiet and then getting louder and louder with each number to 10.
Then we did a little exercise I like to call: ANIMAL CROSSING!
We all lined up in a row and I had everyone cross the stage as different animals. First was a bird,
then a gorilla, then a cat. This was very interesting. Sometimes characters can be defined by what animal they are. Kathleen Turner is like a cat in "BODY HEAT". Marlon Brando was an ape in "STREET CAR NAMED DESIRE" and Jeff Bridges was a bird in "STARMAN". It's a helpful tool for an actor to use!
We repeated the following:
"I am going to take it from where I am".
"I am going to approach this scene as an improv."
"I release my need to be funny. I am here to tickle myself."
"I will not make choices, however, I will allow choices to happen."
I divided the group into two.
First group was a group of soldiers that had just gotten back from Afghanistan.
I had Sargent Carl Rolle yell at the troops and get them to stand at attention and some of them talked back to him. Oh no! Don't make Sargent Rolle mad! He whipped them into shape.
It was time for group therapy. The 'soldiers' sat in fold out chairs in a semi circle and each other of them shared how their lives are now that they've returned home from War in Afghanistan. Quite a moving improv. The first actor Jerome Murdock had a few tears flowing from his eyes. Beautiful commitment. Every actor brought their own voice to the improv acting like a soldier. It was really amazing. The actors in this improv were Jerome Murdock, Toni Christopher, David Kallaway, Kereema, Jeff McGrail, and Andy Wasif.
The next group included me, Kelly Mullis, Carl Rolle, Kachiri Irizarry, Rebecca Hirschfeld, and Jim McCaffree and Toni Christopher was our counselor. Again, moving stories of struggle with drugs and alcohol. Carl Rolle was the trouble maker of the group only there to have a paper signed but not wanting any help. Kachari was our resident tough girl. Rebecca Hirshfeld, a fragile delicate broken woman and I was just angry and frustrated by being abandoned by family and feeling like a just can't stop drinking.
The actors all committed beautifully to this improv. It was heavy for sure, but I think it was valuable.
Everyone got their scripts for the STAGED READING that was to take place called "FIGHT NIGHT". The parts were cast. We had a last minute drop out by an actor (food poisoning) who was cast to play the boxer, so I got Jerome Murdock to fill in. While they were going over their scenes for the short film, as well and going over their TV sides for after the reading....
I set up the various sets on stage for the reading. This wasn't going to be a sit down reading. I had a restaurant set, an office set, a boxing ring set, and a dressing room set.
Upon Action, The actors jumped into their characters with as much commitment as if they were on a film set. I was immediately thrilled with the decision to do this STAGED READING on its feet this way. No narrative took place, the actors flowed seamlessly from one set to the next, in one scene to the next! It was so exciting to watch! Everyone was amazing! I was attempting to video tape every moment, but could only capture a few minutes because my memory card was full! But I got some which is shown below! (stay tuned) You get the idea. I am seriously considering shooting this short. I think we could do it for relatively low budget. The story and the actors make the story great!!
Super successful and super entertaining! I was very impressed with everyone's performance.
The cast included:
Jim McCaffree as Tony, the mafia guy
Andy Wasif as Ted, the sleazy deal making guy
Jerome Murdock as Billy the Boxer
Carl Rolle as Mose, the boxing trainer
Toni Christopher as Darla, the boxer's girlfriend
Rebecca Hirshfeld as Andy's Bimbo girlfriend
Kachiri Izizarry as the Psychic 'fixer'
David Kallaway as Goon #1 and 'the Russian Boxer"
Jeff McGrail as Goon #2 and the Medic
Great job everyone!!
"Blue Bloods" starring Andy Wasif and David Kallaway.
David Kallaway donned a near perfect Boston accent on this cold read of "Blue Bloods" playing the Donnie Wahlberg character of Danny. Andy was super relaxed and natural as Sorenson. This could have been a scene from TV. It was pretty darned good.
"A Closed Door" starring Jim McCaffree and Kachiri Izizarry.
Jim McCaffree can do characters better than most in this workshop. He never ceases to amazing me with his talents. He plays a stoic and emotionless 'stepfather' with a chip on his shoulder. His stepdaughter played by Kachiri was vulnerable and frustrated in trying to connect with her stepfather who has closed the door on their ever having a relationship. It was a hard breaking scene. Great work you two!!
"Chicago Code" starring Carl Rolle and Jeff McGrail.
Jeff McGrail plays a lawyer is who telling a Neurosurgeon, Carl Rolle, what the score is when one of the patients is a gang member. Good thing there were no guns in this scene or someone who'd have bit it! This was a short, however, super intense scene. I love the dynamic of these to actors together.
"Human Target" starring Jerome Murdock and Toni Christopher.
I didn't set this scene up for these two at all. I left out a whole earlier scene from those sides. So they were coming in super cold....but no worries for these two pros. They jumped right into the scene. There was a sexy vibe and a bit of sarcasm from Toni Christopher's character. I wanted to see more. Jerome Murdock should have his own TV show. He's so natural and cool. He's MR. TV! If only I were a casting director, I'd hired both of them for my show! Fabulous!
"Rookie Moves" starring Jeff McGrail and Kareema.
Kareema plays a rookie cop who has had enough of the antics of her superior, Jeff McGrail, who seems to be punishing her instead of training her. At first Kareema had glimpses of life in her character who Jeff's character abused her with words and mixed messages. In the scene Kareema is supposed to get rattled. But she didn't get rattled the first time. So I asked them to do the scene again and for Kareema to get mad at Jeff for giving her such a hard time. She has to defend herself from him and then just say 'forget you'. She adjusted great and the second time she did it, I believed her conviction and that he was getting under her skin. The scene rocked! Great job Kareema and Jeff!
"The Apostles" starring Rebecca Hirshfeld and Jerome Murdock.
Jerome plays a very tough man, rough around the edges named Preacher. Rebecca plays his ex-stripper girlfriend. She's very flirty with him in the beginning. He clearly has trust issues. She accuses him of not being able to forgive and Rebecca's character gets very emotional at the end of the scene when she cries that she's grateful that God brought her Preacher, to love and protect her. It was a very sweet scene. Again Jerome Murdock played it brilliantly.
Of course I love to take the fun group shots. Silly and Serious! We are ACTORS afterall!
Let me know if you'd like to check out one of the HOLLYWOOD PLAYERS ACTOR'S GROUP WORKSHOPS this coming:
Sunday, Dec. 9th
Sunday, Dec. 16
Call Kelly at 323.428.3739. Try to call by Thursday Night so I can find you scenes! Thanks!
See you on the STAGE!!
Kelly Mullis, Artistic Director of HPAG
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and your families!
And will be returning on January 6, 2013!
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