Tuesday, January 15, 2013

10th HPAG Workshop: Original Material Performed by Group!

January 13, 2013....."10th Hollywood Players Actor's Group Workshop".

This was a very special workshop because a couple of actors in the group brought some of their writing. One was a short film and the other writer/actor brought in a couple of wonderful scenes. They had emailed me their pieces and I cast them with the group members. The result was more than I could have hoped for, but I'll get into that later in the blog.

While waiting for the people to arrive, a gentleman by the name of Dennis Hodapp from Lubbock, TX walked into the theater and said that he'd seen my flyer for the workshop on the internet and he wanted to check out the group and what we were all about.  He said he just got into town 9 days ago and he was serious about getting his career on the right track! He was tall, handsome, with salt and pepper hair and a Texas drawl.  Normally I like to know who is coming to the workshop so I can find the appropriate scenes for the actors...but I invited him to stay and decided I'd ask the other men in the group if I could take one of their many scenes that I'd cast them in.  They were cool, so I gave Dennis two parts in scenes to cold read. They had too many scenes anyway!

Dennis had a lot of questions about the business, like many actors who are new to town. They are overwhelmed by the steps one must take to get 'set up' and get the ball rolling.  Some other people where starting to arrive and while we were waiting for the late comers to arrive, I was filling Dennis in on Headshots, Agents, Demo Reels, Actors Access, and LA Casting.  I'm sure I overloaded him with information, but he was eager for the advice.  That's what this workshop is about as well, getting knowledge that will help you further your career.  Everyone was benefiting from the conversation we were having and it turned into a group discussion.

Finally it was time to begin. It was cold in there and the group wanted to WARM UP!!

I did my best impersonation of an Army Sargent and made everyone stand at attention and salute.
Then I made them run in place for 10 seconds, then do 10 push ups and then back up on their feet for 10 seconds more of running in place.  Then back to attention with a salute! Now we were warm!

Next we did "THE ROBOT" dance, followed by some 80's style dancing, followed by "THE RUNNING MAN", then we did "Chur the Butter", and finally ended with break dancing, but not the kind on the floor!  Now we were really warm!!

We did some Lip Trills to "Row Row Row Your Boat".  The we did some A.E.I.O.Us.  Starting each letter low and then going up High.

Then we recited "The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly On the Plain" in a British Accent 3 times.
Next we recited that phrase with a Southern Accent.  Finally we did it with a Tough, Thug accent.

For the last vocal warm up, I had everyone sing:
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious  4 times!!!  Good fun! 

Explaining the rules of this exercise is not easy task.  I got up with the first actor to show everyone how it works.  Some people just weren't sure when it was okay to change up the repetition of what the other person said. I explained that the exercise is all about listening to the other person and responding truthfully under imaginary circumstances.  To make an observation about the other person, say it and they would repeat it...to keep repeating it until someone originally feels compelled to change it based on how they are making you feel. Ie: uncomfortable, sad, or perhaps how they seem ie: 'you look mad'.  'I've hurt your feelings'.

Some of the group struggled, but gave it their best shot, some of them really got it!
The whole thing about the exercise is just to not think about what your going to say. Don't make up a story in your head.  Don't think too hard.  Don't make it conversational. Don't go backwards, keep the repetition going forward.  Don't think, just react how you react.

Improv #1:  "Premature Baby" starring Kristin Korsnes,  James MacLeod as parents of a 24 week premature baby who is in the ICU for premature babies. Zack Van Eyck plays the doctor who comes in and give them bad advice about their baby, that it stands the risk of brain damage and learning disabilities and that the baby must stay in the ICU for 5 months until it can grow and get stronger. The couple gets hostile and they don't understand. They want to take their baby home. They don't want to keep the baby there.  Dr. Zack says "Well, you could do that, but we wouldn't advice it.  You see the hospital has to make money."  The couple starts to questions the doctor's credentials and where he went to school. Suddenly it turned a bit light.  At the end of the scene, the couple did decide to take their baby out of the hospital.  If it had been real life, I'm sure that wouldn't have ended well.

Improv #2:  "Adopted Child" starring Jim McCaffree, Shana Carr and Azra.  Jim and Shana have something very important that they need to tell their daughter Azra.  Azra gets nervous because they are being reluctant, until finally Jim blurts out "You're adopted".  "You might have noticed you don't look like me and your mother." Azra's reaction is "Why did you wait so long to tell me, why didn't you say it from the beginning?" Jim: "Because we wanted to wait till you were older. But we encourage you to find your birth parents and spread your wings and fly." Shana says "Yes, I couldn't get pregnant because actually we are related."  Azra is confused "What do you mean you're related? Related how?"  Shana and Jim look at each other uncomfortably, "Well we're actually brother and sister."  Suddenly Azra is disgusted and doesn't know what to say.  Jim says, "This has gotten on the wrong track, we were talking about her being adopted and now we're talking about our incest!"  Azra turns really bitchy and asks "Well, you're still going to pay for everything, right??"  Jim is taken aback by the question. Shana and Jim look astounded by Azra's terrible attitude.  Shana: "There's that attitude again..." she looks at Jim. So funny you guys!

Improv #3: "Lottery Winner" starring Kelly Mullis, James MacLeod, & Kristin Korsnes. Kelly goes over to her brother and sister-in-law's house to share some good news. Kelly looses her footing when she starts to sit down and James accuses her of drinking. Kelly says "Well, yeah okay, I stopped by a happy hour to celebrate because I'm really happy!" James gives her a hard time about her drinking and she returns the venom back to him. They go back and forth fighting as brothers and sisters do. Kristin tries to get them to stop. James asks "So what's your good news??" Kelly says "I don't even want to tell you now because you're being such an ass." Finally she tells them that she's won the lottery.  James's first question is "Where's the ticket?!"  Kelly:  "I had to hand it in. They're going to wire the money into my account."  James: "You gave them your banking information!?" Kelly: "Yes, that's the way it works." James: "How much did you win? Are you going to get it in payments or one lump sum? Are you going to pay us back the money you owe us?" Kelly replies "Yes, of course I am going to pay you back! I won 4 million and after taxes I'll have just over 3 million." James: "Well, you're going to give me some of that money, right?" Kelly: "Oh here we go, I knew this was going to happen." James: "I'm leaving her (re: Kristin), we're getting a divorce." Kelly: "You know what James, you're an ass! I'm giving the money to Kristin. I love her, you can't divorce her. She's like a sister to me." James: "Yeah, but I'm your brother!" Kelly: "But your a big jerk!" Kristin: "Please don't leave me here with him." Kelly and Kristin leave together to go celebrate, leaving James to wallow in his bad behavior.

Improv #4: "Abandoned Baby" starring Kareema, Dennis Hodapp, and Shana Carr.  Kareema returns to the church where she left her baby on the steps only one week prior to meet with the Pastor and the Sister.  She demands to get her baby back. The Pastor explains to her that the baby has been put up for adoption and there is no way to get the baby back.  Kareema starts to get angry and says "I just left her here a week ago.  I left her with for the Sister." Dennis, the Pastor, says "This is God's way. The baby will go to a good home." Kareema: "I had to go to Utah to get some money!" She holds up a bag that looks very full. "This bag is full of money. Do you know what I had to do to get this money?!" She's starting to get a bit too angry. The Pastor gets nervous and says to the Sister, Shana Carr, "Call security.  Now you have to leave, this is God's way."  That's there the scene ended.  Very intense!  I liked it! 


"Forty Year Old Virgin" starring Jim McCaffree, Zack Van Eyck, and Kristin Korsnes. Jim played Andy, the lead, who works in an electronics store and has sold Zack, playing the old man, a LOT of equipment.  Andy meets Trish who is looking to buy a VCR.  He explains the different models to her and she says "Looks aren't important." The old man returns and says "How much would it cost for you to come to my apartment and hook all this up for me?" Andy says, "He'll do it for free." Trish is impressed by his kindness and selflessness. She asks him out for coffee.  Andy is taken aback, but accepts shyly.  Trish, Kristin, assures him that she won't make him hook up her equipment.  He replies, "Well, I would if you asked me to." The scene was super cute. Jim plays awkward characters to a TEE. Kristin was so sweet as the innocent Trish. Zack was really funny as the old man! Great scene! 

"President Kenny" starring Jim McCaffree, Kristin Korsnes, and Azra. This was an original piece written by Zack Van Eyke. Azra comes to work at the "Campus Coffee" shop to find that her friend Maya, played by Kristin, has been promoted and there's a new owner. Liz, played by Azra is confused and wonders where she's making more money now and doesn't even have to work more than one day a week. Azra walks into the back office and sees that her father,  (Jim) playing Kenny, ex-Presidential Candidate for re-election, newly separated from his wife has purchased the coffee shop to keep on eye on his daughter and help her out. Liz is not happy about these developments as they cut into her sense of independence.  She angrily announces, "I quit this job, I quit you and I quit this family."
All the actors did a great job.  Jim was wonderful as the loving father. Azra has a very cutting side to her and she went from sweet to mad perfectly. Liz was the sweet, perky, positive friend always looking on the bright side.  Really cute scene. 

"Blue Bloods" starring James MacLeod, Kareema, Zack Van Eyck. James plays Danny in this scene. Zack plays Gormley a fellow detective who question Kareema playing "Letitia" about the death of her four year old son, shot at the hands of drug dealing gang bangers. The detectives want a name for the possible shooter. In the next scene, they return to ask her if she's involved in drugs and they inform her that she was the real target. She wonders who would want to kill her. They suspect it to be an enemy of hers. I thought the two detectives did a great job. Kareema is a brand new actress and she's still finding her voice as far as performing on stage. I wanted her to project a bit more and also get a bit defensive when they ask her questions about her being involved with drugs. The character could have really jumped off the page. I'd like to see her do that scene again actually!

"Taking His Bar" starring Kelly Mullis and Jim McCaffree. Kelly Mullis plays Jim's horrible ex-wife who has come to the bar they once ran together. The bar has been in Jim's family and Kelly has come to have one last drink since they are going through a divorce.  She reminisces about the past and the first time they met, which was a steamy, volatile first meeting. She proposes that they have sex on the bar one last time and reminds him of his infidelities of the past at that very bar. When Jim refuses her, she gets nasty. And says "It's too bad, because soon the place will be torn down to the ground and turned into a parking lot."  Jim lets Kelly have it. "You bitch!"  He calls her an aging alcoholic who is loosing her looks and not getting the attention she's used to. She tries to slap him, he stops her, she kisses him and gives him an evil smile and then leaves the bar.  Jim steams with anger. I felt good about the scene. It would be better to be off book and do it! Jim was wonderful as the husband! I felt we had the right amount of aggression towards each other! Fun scene!

"Southland" starring Kareema, Shana Carr, Zack Van Eyck, and Dennis Hodapp. Kareema plays detective Lydia. Shana plays a witness who is being questioned in regards to a serial killer. Zack is her crazy boyfriend who is quiet erratic and rude.  Dennis played another detective questioning the two about the neighbor.  Zack was so funny as this character. Shana played it perfectly as well. Dennis was endearing as the good cop and Kareema held her own with the questioning.  Good job everyone!

"The Perfect Woman" starring James MacLeod, Shana Carr, Kristin Korsnes, and Azra. Another Original Scene written by Zack Van Eyke. This was a hilarious few scenes. James comes to a shop called "The Perfect Gift".  The cheery owner, Cindy, played by Kristin asks James, playing the role of Richard what he's looking for.  Richard says he's looking for the 'perfect woman'. He tries to flirt with Cindy, but Cindy goes through a list of horrible descriptions that no man would ever want in a woman, she's describing herself. James says, that's not what he's looking for.  Cindy, then brings Agatha, played by Shana, out from the back room and gives Richard all the particulars of Agatha! "Agatha has been divorced four times, has six children, she's on parole for knifing her psychiatrist and has a mysterious fungus never before witnessed by her gynecologist!" Shana played this character full hilt! So funny, so outrageously. After some very witty dialogue she attempts to show James her boobs. He's not interested!! Agatha leaves because this clearly isn't going to happen. Cindy reads off of a print out all about Richard's horrible past and discrepancies. "OK, so I'm not perfect!" he exclaims. Cindy brings out her best and very expensive model named Barbara, played by Azra. Now we're talking! James loves Barbara.  She's says all the right things, "I love every sport, especially football and ultimate fighting. Cleaning house and preparing fattening meals are my true passions in life. And I love satisfying my man in every way, at any time..." Jack Pot!! Richard wants to marry her on the spot. Cindy informs him that there are no refunds. Seven minutes after they are hitched, Barbara turns into a bitch! She demands money for a mani-pedi, she says she actually hates sports, and now that they are married, they are never having sex again. He reminds her that they haven't had sex yet! Then Barbara says she wants 90% of everything he has. It was a perfect performance by everyone! I loved it! It was wonderful! :) Great writing Zack! Thanks for bringing it in. Perfect casting, perfect performances!

"Bitten" starring Dennis Hodapp, Azra, James MacLeod, Kristin Korsnes, & Jim McCaffree. Azra and Dennis played boyfriend/girlfriend, but clearly there is something amiss with her story. She's lying.  Later she meets her friend played by Kristin at a bar to celebrate and Azra gets hit on by a man at the bar. She sets his straight. Later, Azra meets her 'real lover' and the chemistry is hot as they banter about what they must do.  Everyone did a great job. Azra is so wonderful about going from nice to evil! Kristin is wonderful as the friend, supportive and cute.  Jim played the sleezy guy at the bar and nailed it. James was very sexy in the scene with Azra. Great work guys! 

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" starring Kristin Korsnes and Zack Van Eyck. Kristin plays the light, airy, delightfully playful, free spirited Clementine.  Zack plays the slightly awkward, doesn't say too much Joel. He doesn't say too much because Clementine goes on a diatribe of dialogue with these funny speeches she says. It's as though she's been locked up alone forever and now she finally has someone to listen to her and she wants to say everything she's ever thought of. Kristin Korsnes is so adorable as this character! She was nervously awkward and couldn't keep still as she constantly shifted on the sofa, which really made the scene so much more adorable! Zack was also wonderfully awkward in the role of Joel!  I could have watched this scene all day.  What a great casting and what wonderful work you two!  Good job! 

"The Mark" starring Zack Van Eyck, James MacLeod, and Azra. This is an original Short Film written by James MacLeod.  James plays Jake who is having a romantic dinner with Jenny, played by Azra. The night unfolds and at the end, Jenny realizes that she's been drugged. The next morning she's tied up. James tries to explain what's going on, he tells her she's a mark. That he and his brother are going to ask for a ransom for her. She's shocked because she thought they were in love.  The brother shows up and he's mad because clearly there is something lovable going on between the two.  There are lots of twists and turns in this piece and I don't want to give away the ended, just in case James shoots this as a short! Which a really think she should. It's a very interesting piece that keeps you on the edge of your seat!  Kudos to Shana Carr for the great narration that she did reading all the stage directions so we could visualize what it would look like on screen.
Loved it and all the performance were steller! Zack was perfectly sadistic. James was great sticking to the character and not letting on the twists even though he knew what was going to happen. Azra played the victim, turned bitch perfectly! Great work you guys! 

That concludes another blog about The Hollywood Players Actor's Group! 
If you'd like to join up for our next workshop on January 20th, 2013 please send me
a message on facebook or email me at: kellyart@pacbell.net and I'll put you on the list.

Great work everyone!

See you on the STAGE!!!

Kelly Mullis, Artistic Director
The Hollywood Players Actor's Group
We have a blast in this group! Come join us!!!
Can I just say that you guys ROCK!!!

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