Monday, November 5, 2012

Hollywood Players Actor's Group: Workshop #2

November 4, 2012 was the second workshop for HPAG and it was fantastic!

We started off with intros for all the newcomers.  Had 3 New Peeps there to check out "The Hollywood Players Actor's Group".

Did a quick body warm up, body stretch and face stretch,  and then a vocal warm-up.

I had everyone line up in chairs in front of the stage to act like casting directors and each actor
got up to "pitch themselves" in a little exercise I like to call "Who Do You Think You Are?"  It was very entertaining and enlightening.  I think its very important that actors know what "type" they are and what are the best characters they can play. 

Then we played a game of FREEZE TAG where actors act out an improvisation and then someone calls out FREEZE, then take the position of one of the actors and begins a whole new improv scenario.  This was super fun, then got really serious between myself and Shana Carr.

I handed out sides, carefully pre-selected by me,  from film and TV scripts to all the actors and everyone went to a quiet place to run their lines.  After about 20 minutes or so, we all returned and everyone got up and performed.
We started out with a monologue from "Pulp Fiction" that actor, Roger, is working on from last week.  It was much better this time.  He's quiet a character. 

We saw scenes from "Knocked Up" (funny performances from Kristin and Jacob), "Devil in a Blue Dress" (intense, very nice work from Carl and James), "The Outsiders" (two young men in stressing about one of them killing someone), "Covert Affairs" (Carl Rolle, charming, and Roger, as a very sinister character), "Parks & Rec" (silly fun with an ensemble cast), and a beautiful performance between Shana Carr and James Etue in "THE COOLER" which was so honest and touching, I felt like crying.  I want them to learn that scene so we can film it.  It was so very good. (pictured below)

Then the workshop ended with a BANG when Kristin Prickell handed out scripts for two episodes of her web series that she's shooting next month and we did a stage reading of them.  She cast the reading with the people in the group and it was hilarious!  Her characters jumped off the page and everyone had a great time performing them.  Good luck Kristin. It's going to rock!!  
     Carl, James, Shana, Kristin, Kelly, & Jacob!  :)
If you'd like to check out the HOLLYWOOD PLAYER ACTOR'S GROUP just call or email me and I'll find you a scene to read!  Or if you have a short film you'd like to hear read, let me know! Workshops are $20 and they are every Sunday from 3-6 at the Complex, Shepard Theatre!
See you on the Stage!! 
Kelly 323.428.3739

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